Featured in Nature


Our advertisement feature, Could immune proteins have anti-ageing benefits?, was published on 13 March 2025, as part of Focal Point on Ageing in Japan in the online version of Nature, a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in science and technology.

The advertisement feature can be found here: https://www.nature.com/articles/d42473-024-00361-3

Manufactured in Japan with global patents

Anti-aging and longevity

Experience the groundbreaking innovation in anti-aging science with Dietary MAF—the only clinically proven solution to extend telomeres by an extraordinary 23% within just six months. Carefully developed by Saisei Pharma, these products are designed not only to enhance your health and appearance but to help you achieve the remarkable goals of looking 20 years younger and living vibrantly well past a century.

Aging is a natural part of life, yet our understanding of it has advanced significantly. Today, there are effective ways to slow this process. Central to these developments are macrophages, vital cells that play a key role in strengthening the immune system and eliminating damaged or unhealthy cells. These remarkable cells contribute to essential functions such as tissue repair, rejuvenation, and regeneration. They also provide robust protection against infections and unchecked tumor growth.

Dietary MAF harnesses cutting-edge science to challenge the inevitability of aging, fostering a life filled with vitality and resilience. Its efficacy is underscored by detailed analyses, including studies on the impact of MAF capsules on telomere length, which have demonstrated remarkable outcomes.

Analysis of the effect of taking MAF capsules on telomere length changes

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Stay informed with the latest updates on Saisei Group’s research, clinical trials, and Dietary MAF innovations.

Oral intake of degalactosylated whey protein increases peripheral blood telomere length in young and aged mice


The Effects of Dietary Intervention and Macrophage-Activating Factor Supplementation on Cognitive Function in Elderly Users of Outpatient Rehabilitation


Degalactosylated Whey Protein Suppresses Inflammatory Responses Induced by Lipopolysaccharide in Mice

Springer Nature

The Effect of MAF Capsules and M Capsules on Lymphopenia and Clinical Outcomes in Non-Critical Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients


Adjunctive use of oral MAF is associated with no disease progression or mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 pneumonia: The single-arm COral-MAF1 prospective trial

Boost your immunity with MAF Series

MAF = Macrophage Activating Factor

Our Dietary MAF boosts your immunity by activating the immune cells without any side effects and help you stay young and healthy. The MAF Series is made exclusively with natural ingredients and produced in Osaka, Japan.

How MAF Triple Enhances Macrophage Activation for Optimal Immune Defense

Your immune system relies on macrophages—specialized cells that identify and eliminate harmful pathogens. However, due to aging, stress, or environmental factors, macrophages can become sluggish and ineffective.
By promoting this natural immune cycle, MAF Triple supports overall health, resilience, and rapid immune response.
MAF Triple (Macrophage Activating Factor) helps revitalize your immune function by guiding macrophages through three crucial activation stages:


  1. Aged, Stressed State:
     Inactive macrophages fail to respond to infections.
  2. Primed State:
     Macrophages start preparing to combat pathogens without producing inflammatory cytokines.
  3. Triggered State:
     Fully activated macrophages effectively fight infections by engulfing pathogens and releasing immune-boosting cytokines.
Resident macrophages are present throughout the human body, from the brain (microglia) and eyes (intraocular macrophages) to the lungs (alveolar macrophages), liver (Kupffer cells), spleen (splenic macrophages), intestines (intestinal macrophages), bone marrow, lymph nodes, skin (Langerhans cells), and even bones (osteoclasts), where they play essential roles in immune defense, antigen presentation, tissue homeostasis, and pathogen clearance.

What are macrophages?


– Stimulate cell activities of the immune system.

– Promote wound healing and skin repair.

– Promote hair regeneration.

– Phagocytose bacteria and destroy virus-infected cells.

– Ingest and destroy microorganisms.

– Degrade and remove dead cells.


Protect against infections


Improve skin conditions


Fight fatigue


Slow down aging


Live longer and healthier


Optimize brain activity

New Generation GcMAF – Discover the effects

Proved by numerous clinical trials!
Approved as food/supplement in various countries and patented worldwide.

GcMAF has proved its effects in the medical fields around the world. GcMAF is acknowledged for its function to help the recovery from serious illness such as cancer and autism, and recently found in clinical trials in Ukraine, to have positive effects on patients with Covid-19.

Dietary MAF Series

Dietary MAF (Macrophage Activating Factor) Series boosts immunity by activating the immune cells without any side effects. Stay young and healthy by taking these anti-aging supplements.

Free of

Wheat, soy, egg, rice, gluten, starch, sugar*, hormones, antibiotics, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors. *Sugar is contained in M-Lollies

Topical and Oral

MAF is available in both topical and oral supplement forms. The 4 types of MAF products allows MAF to be absorbed from the mouth, intestines and the skin. The MAF Series is made exclusively with natural ingredients.


MAF was developed using our own unique patented method. MAF helps boost the immune system by activating macrophages without any side effects.

Factory in Japan

MAF Series is produced in our Saisei Mirai GMP factory in Moriguchi, Osaka. The factory is certified by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan.

Manufactured in Japan with global patents

Saisei Mirai Movies

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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